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News & Stories

Copy the Leader: Eric Elsinghorst

Eric Elsinghorst, g'08 h'17, leads the KU Clinical Laboratory Sciences department. We sat down with Eric to learn what leadership means to him.

Get connected at Kyou Networking Week

Connect with Jayhawks locally and around the globe with career-focused events Oct. 7-12!

Alumni Association honors two recipients of Fred Ellsworth Medallion

Brad Korell, l’97, and Tom Wiggans, p’75, will be honored Sept. 12 at the Jayhawk Welcome Center in conjunction with the fall meeting of the Association’s national board of directors.

Partnership Program

The KU Alumni Association is a trusted, strategic partner in advancing the mission of the University of Kansas by uniting a global network of Jayhawks and increasing the value of KU degrees. Our partners align their businesses with an innovative organization that serves alumni, students, fans and more than 375,000 Jayhawks worldwide.

Official Partner

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Welcome to the University
of Kansas Alumni Association

Your membership in the KU Alumni Association is the single most powerful way to make all of KU stronger, including the value of your own degree. Through your membership, the Association: