Jayhawks for Higher Education communicate the importance of the University and higher education to the Kansas Legislature. Alumni advocacy is a longstanding tradition of the KU Alumni Association as an independent nonprofit organization. Informed advocates help strengthen the University.
To coordinate JHE communications, Association staff members Jennifer Jackson Sanner, senior vice president for public affairs, and Heath Peterson, president, work closely with colleagues in KU’s Office of Public Affairs and Government Relations.
At key points throughout the legislative session, the Association will send email updates to JHE members, asking them to take action by calling or corresponding with their local lawmakers on issues of importance to KU and higher education. In addition to alumni advocates throughout the state, the Association welcomes the participation of KU faculty and staff members, who use their personal time and personal email accounts to contact legislators.
Our advocacy efforts also benefit from the leadership of alumni networks throughout the state. Alumni volunteers in these networks help coordinate legislative advocacy in their areas. Please bookmark this page and KU’s government relations site for the latest information on KU’s state agenda for 2025.
The Office of Government Relations positions KU leaders and scholars to connect with elected officials, funding agencies and policymakers to benefit the university.
The Office of Government Relations positions KU leaders and scholars to connect with elected officials, funding agencies and policymakers to benefit the university.
Alumni Association Life Member and KU research analyst for the Center for Sustainability
Alumni Association member
Alumni Association Life Member
KU Medical Alumni Association member
Chair, Appropriations Committee
Alumni Association Life Member
We build lifelong relationships that strengthen the University of Kansas and the legacy of excellence embodied by its students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends.
Jayhawk Welcome Center at Adams Alumni Center
1266 Oread Ave., Lawrence, KS 66045
kualumni@kualumni.org | 800.584.2957
Your membership in the KU Alumni Association is the single most powerful way to make all of KU stronger, including the value of your own degree. Through your membership, the Association: