Jayhawks in leadership positions are everywhere you look, including through the Jayhawk Career Network. KU Alumni, in partnership with SumnerOne, is highlighting Jayhawk leaders who are models for others in their industries with our “Copy the Leader” program.
What do you do in your work?
I am a High School Health and Strength and Conditioning teacher at Tonganoxie High School and I also coach JV Girls Golf!
What are the qualities of a good leader?
I believe the qualities of a good leader can be different in all lines of professions. For an educator, a leader is someone who leads their school with the students and teachers best interest in mind. They listen, they are involved and they provide the safest learning and teaching environment for all students and staff.
How do you practice leadership at your job?
What makes a team or group successful?
The most successful teams or groups I have been a part of have people who are willing to listen to others, compromise in some areas and then jump into their role that they find themself in as the groups grow and evolve. I think being a part of a team or club or group is highly beneficial to all people. When you are working in a team setting, you learn specific qualities that make you more appealing to future employers and also teach you soft skills and empathy.
How can leaders in your industry help their organizations adapt to change?
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