Jayhawks in leadership positions are everywhere you look, including through the Jayhawk Career Network. KU Alumni, in partnership with SumnerOne, is highlighting Jayhawk leaders who are models for others in their industries with our “Copy the Leader” program.
What do you do in your work?
I work as an accountant for KU, where I process and review the university’s incoming revenue. Additionally, I am a member of KU’s E-Commerce Committee.
What are the qualities of a good leader?
A leader must believe that everyone has a voice and a role in any situation. It is essential for a leader to listen to others and provide guidance that inspires trust. They should also be able to anticipate changes in the environment, economy, and social culture. Since most of us work in result-driven industries, it is crucial to focus on the bottom line while maintaining a healthy work-life balance for ourselves and our employees.Transparency, accountability, the ability to accept criticism, and strong communication skills are essential qualities for effective leadership.
How do you practice leadership at your job?
I don’t consider myself an expert in all things. Continued learning is part of the journey, and I believe that my intelligence is enhanced by the people around me. Whether I am working as a team member or serving as a leader or director, I trust my thought process in many situations. However, in areas where I lack experience, my connections and colleagues become incredibly valuable. The banking and financial sector is constantly evolving, so open communication and careful planning are essential when developing and implementing ideas. Leaders need to stay organized. I create daily and weekly schedules to keep track of action items. Plan group meetings with team members as well as individual check-ins to ensure that everyone has a voice and feels heard. Always strive to be genuine and honest with everyone.

What makes a team or group successful?
To achieve success, concentrate on the following key items:
Trust – Everyone should have confidence in their own abilities as well as those of their teammates.
Communication and Criticism – Encourage open communication where everyone feels free to express their thoughts on all matters related to the task. No one should fear repercussions for speaking out. Healthy debates may become intense, but we must remain open to both positive and negative feedback.
Respect – Show respect to everyone as individuals and acknowledge their credentials and contributions to the team.
How can leaders in your industry help their organizations adapt to change?
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You must accept that what benefits you today may not be beneficial tomorrow. It is important to continually review both past and current processes while also considering how future processes can serve you. Never stay stagnant; your environment is always changing. Keep moving forward with your head held high and be open to trying new things.