Connect with Lucas on KU Mentoring+.
Lucas Snyder earned his undergraduate degree in sport management, with minors in business and French. He works as a client solutions representative for Echo Global Logistics in Chicago where he assists clients with their major freight shipments on trucks, trains, boats, and planes.
While at KU, Lucas worked as a marketing intern, served as a KU student ambassador, and was vice president of the men’s club hockey team. He was also a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity.
Lucas can advise fellow Jayhawks about internship and job search strategies, choosing a major, transitioning to life after college, and more. He’s also happy to make introductions to others in his field.
If you’re interested in supply chain or other business disciplines, Chicago, moving to a new city or making a new KU connection, reach out to Lucas on KU Mentoring.

How did you end up at KU?
I ended up at KU for a number of reasons. I was blessed to be born into a KU family. Both of my parents were proud graduates and growing up going to Lawrence on game day was strong tradition of ours, so I was immersed in the culture immediately. I knew exactly where I wanted to go to college before my first day of kindergarten. Aside from having parents as KU grads, I wanted to go to a school that was going to prepare me for my future and put me in the best spot to be successful.
As a kid, I was a caddy at a country club in Kansas City and all of the most successful people in the business world that I had caddied for were KU grads. I said to myself “If one institution could give me the same experiences and opportunities to put myself in the same spot as these leaders in my community, then I want to be a part of the KU family one day too.” I knew something was in the water in Lawrence with breeding people who go above and beyond for their careers, community, and family.
What’s your favorite KU memory?
My favorite KU memory was being able to wear that special bird on my chest playing on the KU club hockey team. I loved putting on that jersey with that Jayhawk because I knew I was fighting for and representing something bigger than myself. I was fighting for the great state of Kansas, the institution of excellence that I love so dearly, and my brothers.
My favorite single memory was my last regular season game of my career. We played against the University of Missouri in a very fierce rivalry match at the Independence Events Center in Kansas City in front of 5,000 fans. It was senior night and we went into battle giving it all for KU and all Kansans. We came out with the victory 7-3 and it meant the world to me to go out in victory fashion.

What advice would you give to KU students?
I love this question and reflect on this topic a lot. The one piece of advice that I would give is be open and get out of your comfort zone. I am where I am today, working at a company that I dearly love in Chicago, because of my experiences at KU. Go join a club on campus that interests you or join an organization that you believe in and will give you opportunities to connect with Jayhawks that will bestow wisdom upon your future.
Who was your most influential mentor at KU?
My most influential mentor at KU still works on campus and her name is Megan Belaire— but I call her “Madame Belaire.” She helped me every step of the way when I was learning the language that I am blessed to speak every day at work. She would stay after or let me come in her office to get the extra attention on my French studies that I needed. I had learning challenges and she helped me slow everything down so that I could comprehend what I was writing and reading.
Aside from improving my learning skills in the French language, she showed me how to take a deep breath and take my time to learn a concept when approaching any topic or subject that was difficult. I was very thankful for her help on campus and it is people like her that make our KU community so special to alumni across the globe and myself!
Need a mentor? Want to serve as a mentor? KU Mentoring+ is open to students, alumni, faculty and staff, and friends of the University of Kansas. Professionals who are looking for opportunities to connect with KU and provide assistance to Jayhawks are also welcome. Learn more about KU Mentoring+.