Chancellor's Message

University to pause vaccine mandate following federal injunction
Chancellor Doug Girod sent the following message to KU faculty, staff and affiliates on Dec. 7, 2021.



Earlier today, a federal judge in Georgia issued an injunction halting implementation of the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal government contractors and subcontractors.


As a result, the University of Kansas will pause its employee vaccine mandate process, effective immediately. Employees do not need to take any further action related to this mandate at this time.


We will keep you posted on developments related to this matter.


We want to thank all of you who helped KU work toward fulfilling the mandate up to this point. As of today, approximately 83 percent of Lawrence and Edwards campus employees have uploaded documentation confirming they are fully vaccinated. We believe the actual vaccination rate among our employees to be even higher than that.


In the meantime, please continue to take steps to protect your health and the health of those around you. If you have not yet been fully vaccinated, we encourage you to do so. If you are eligible for a booster, we encourage you to seek out that opportunity. Vaccines are available at no charge at pharmacies and health clinics across the region. Employees may also explore options near them at


Thank you for everything you are doing to help KU fulfill its mission while prioritizing health and safety.




Doug and Mike


Doug GirodChancellor


Mike RoundsVice Provost for Human Resources, Public Safety and Operations 


View this message on the Chancellor’s website.

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